Acurate needling can make a lot of happenings in your body

Acurate needling can make a lot of happenings in your body

 Our clinic is an acupuncture clinic working in Milford  Nort Shore Auckland.

 We are offering wholistic healing treatment for your optimal health with acupunctue, cupping, deep acupoint   massage, herbal medicine and so on

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture Stimulates and Balances Immune Function. This increases your body¡¯s natural resistance to bacterial, viral and fungal infections. Your immune system is also what helps the body repair damage including swelling and inflammation, muscle strain, tendonitis, etc. 

Acupuncture Stimulates the Release of Endorphins. Endorphins are your body¡¯s natural pain killers and can be 10 times stronger than morphine. This is what gives the sensation of euphoria and relaxation with acupuncture treatments.

Acupuncture Regulates Neurotransmitter Levels, Like Serotonin and Norepinephrine. These are your body¡¯s natural mood stabilizers. They help with stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, addictive behavior and in the regulation appetite. ? Acupuncture Regulates Pituitary, Thyroid, Pancreatic and Adrenal Function. This helps correct imbalances of metabolism, especially metabolism of cholesterol and fat. ?

Acupuncture Promotes Blood Circulation. This allows blood and oxygen to flow to your muscles to help them relax and release the lactic acid that makes them feel sore and achy. In short, acupuncture works via the central nervous system, which is our brain and nerve pathways. Our brain is what controls all of our bodily functions, including our sensations of pain, muscle contractions, heart rate, respiratory rate, digestion, hormonal balance, circulation, our response to stress, our mood, and our ability to heal. 

Life force energy, called Qi , moves through these meridians, like water through a river or wind through a tunnel. When qi moves smoothly and evenly and is balanced and unobstructed, we are free of pain, illness, disease, or any health concern. An acupuncturist diagnoses which meridian(s) are unhealthy, out of balance or obstructed.

An acupuncturist then chooses key acupuncture points to restore the free flow of Qi through these meridians, which in turn returns the body back to health and well-being. 

The correct movement of Qi determines our health or our ill health. When Qi slows down, is deficient or is blocked, we begin to suffer from various health conditions. Qi is critical for life. When Qi stops moving, life stops.


Get your pain away with our Acupuncture treatment and Korean traditional treaments. ACC registered Clinic.

Get your pain away with our Acupuncture treatment and Korean traditional treaments. ACC registered Clinic.

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